» » » Продюсера Харви Вайнштейна обвинила в сексуальных домогательствах еще одна актриса

Продюсера Харви Вайнштейна обвинила в сексуальных домогательствах еще одна актриса

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Продюсера Харви Вайнштейна обвинила в сексуальных домогательствах еще одна актриса

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Сексуальным домогательствам со стороны продюсера Харви Вайнштейна подверглась британская модель и актриса Кара Делевинь. В этом она сама призналась в сообщении в Instagram.
«Я очень сомневалась, стоит ли мне говорить об этом. Я не хотела навредить его семье. Я чувствовала себя виноватой, будто бы я сделала что-то неправильное. Меня также шокировало то, что такие вещи происходили со многими женщинами, которых я знаю, но никто не говорил из-за страха», — написала модель.
When I first started to work as an actress, i was working on a film and I received a call from‎ Harvey Weinstein asking if I had slept with any of the women I was seen out with in the media. It was a very odd and uncomfortable call…i answered none of his questions and hurried off the phone but before I hung up, he said to me that If I was gay or decided to be with a woman especially in public that I’d never get the role of a straight woman or make it as an actress in Hollywood. A year or two later, I went to a meeting with him in the lobby of a hotel with a director about an upcoming film. The director left the meeting and Harvey asked me to stay and chat with him. As soon as we were alone he began to brag about all the actresses he had slept with and how he had made their careers and spoke about other inappropriate things of a sexual nature. He then invited me to his room. I quickly declined and asked his assistant if my car was outside. She said it wasn’t and wouldn’t be for a bit and I should go to his room. At that moment I felt very powerless and scared but didn’t want to act that way hoping that I was wrong about the situation. When I arrived I was relieved to find another woman in his room and thought immediately I was safe. He asked us to kiss and she began some sort of advances upon his direction. I swiftly got up and asked him if he knew that I could sing. And I began to sing…i thought it would make the situation better…more professional…like an audition…i was so nervous. After singing I said again that I had to leave. He walked me to the door and stood in front of it and tried to kiss me on the lips. I stopped him and managed to get out of the room. I still got the part for the film and always thought that he gave it to me because of what happened. Since then I felt awful that I did the movie. I felt like I didn’t deserve the part. I was so hesitant about speaking out…I didn’t want to hurt his family. I felt guilty as if I did something wrong. I was also terrified that this sort of thing had happened to so many women I know but no one had said anything because of fear.
A post shared by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on
Oct 11, 2017 at 10:39am PDT
Из ее рассказа следовало, что когда она только начинала карьеру актрисы, актриса встретилась с Вайнштейном, чтобы обсудить съемки в фильме. В ходе встречи, по словам модели, продюсер рассказал ей о своих отношениях с другими актрисами, а затем пригласил ее в свой номер в гостинице. Там он пытался заставить Делевинь поцеловаться с другой женщиной, а также пытался поцеловать модель сам.
Напомним, скандал разгорелся на прошлой неделе, после того, как The New York Times распространила сведения о том, что Вайнштейн на протяжении долгих лет принуждал актрис, в том числе Эшли Джадд и Роуз МакГоун, а также других сотрудниц Miramax Films и The Weinstein Company к сексуальным отношениям, обещая им в обмен помощь в карьере. О сексуальных домогательствах со стороны продюсера заявили также Гвинет Пэлтроу, Азия Ардженто и Анджелина Джоли.
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